Frequently Asked Questions

…Do you know what; so do I, so I not only sympathise with you, but also re-assure you that this is what most couples say, as they do! That is why having a pre-wedding shoot is a good idea. The last one I did the groom said to me “ oh that was alright wasn’t it, and by the way we love the pictures of us, nice and natural and not at all posed. On the day the last thing he was thinking about was the photographer. Just as it should be.

…Who would, haven’t we all been to weddings where we are thinking PLEASE just get me a drink and something to eat! That is why I ask the couple to give me a list of “must have” pictures. Some couples it is no more than six shots others a much longer list. I then carry on shooting once your list is complete but not forgetting you control the day, not me, I just facilitate it One of the most frequent compliments I get, is that I conducted myself in a professional but also unobtrusive way. I like that, and I think you will too.

Yes absolutely, unconditionally.

…literally hundreds to choose from, I do not set a limit. Take a peak at some of the weddings in the gallery as presented to the couple. And whilst you are doing that wonder why other photographers don’t do this. I will only password protect a gallery if the couple want me to. Again it’s your choice.

…That’s why you should employ a professional and not a mate or uncle Bob.

…That’s why you should employ a professional and not a mate or uncle Bob, there is a pattern here if you had not noticed

…I do my utmost to find a”>package that will work within your budget. Tell me how much you can afford and I will tell you how to make the most of your money. You don’t have to buy everything at once. But do bear in mind that after the day when everyone has gone home the photographs will be the only thing left. So it is an investment.

… How long do you need me for? I only shoot one wedding per day.

… If your friend is a professional photographer, then that is a very generous wedding present. If not, opt for the toaster instead.

…Do you like their photographic style? Have you seen at least one complete wedding as presented to the couple not just the photographer’s portfolio? If they were not your photographer would you enjoy their company on the day?

Go for my free pre- wedding shoot.

…It comes down to managing expectations. What do you want? Meet for a coffee and talk through the options, I have heard it said 10% of the total wedding cost but I am not sure if that works.

… Even a small wedding can take me two full days to edit and load up onto my website so if it is the busy season two weeks is not unreasonable

… It is about added value; having the ceremony shot from two angles with no one moving about. Having one guy lining up the group shots ready for the photographer to quickly move from one shoot to another. It all helps to keep the day calm and run smoothly and it means people are not stood about waiting or being herded about.

…If you look at just a few of the weddings that I have shot you will notice that they are not all of the same style. That is because I take my brief from the couple. Some couples like formal, others like very relaxed and casual. Having a pre-wedding shoot enables you to choose what you like, possibly have the shoot at your intended wedding venue that way we get to consult on where best to get different shots on the day and work out a wet weather plan.

…That’s fine, its your day have what you want. That said, Mum & Dad might like a more formal one for the mantelpiece.

… That’s also fine give me your list and that is what you will get but I always shoot literally hundreds of images so you might enjoy looking at some of the less formal ones I will also include.

… That is why I ask for a “must have” list so keep it short, but also allow as much time as you can from the end of the ceremony to the start of the meal. That way everything can be done at a leisurely pace giving you time to talk to friends and family in-between having some photographs taken, enjoy your day.

Please”>contact me to discuss anything else or seek clarification on any of the above.